PLAB 1 COURSE: (Currently on subscription only)

This is a 15 day course which run from 9:30 till 7:00 pm. There is a 1 hour lunch break 

between 1 pm and 2 pm. From 9:30 am till 1:00 pm we go through the lectures and 

between 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm we solve recent past paper questions.

Heading 2 Text Goes Here

1. Emergency Medicine, X-RAY & ECG (new subject only at samsonplab academy)

2. Haematology

3. Respiratory Medicine

4. Paediatrics

5. Obstetrics and Gynaecology

6. Toxicology

7. Cardiology

8. Pharmacology

9. Endocrinology

10. Ophthalmology

11. Nephrology

12. Ear,Nose and Throat

13. Neurology

14. Infectious Diseases

15. General Surgery

16. Genetics

17. Gastroenterology

18. Rheumatology

19. Trauma and Orthopeadics

20. Dermatology

21. Psychiatry

22. Epidemiology

23. Anatomy

24. Oncology



Face to face PLAB 2 course

PLAB 2 online course

The New PLAB 2 schedule

Day 1: Introduction, History Taking Approach, Communication Tools.

Day 2: History taking (Part 1)

Day 3:History taking (Part 2)

Day 4:History taking (Part 3) and Suspected Cancer

Day 5: Paediatrics and Psychiatry Scenarios

Day 6: Surgery Counselling, Explaining Investigations, Motivation Stations, Pregnancy, 

Sexual Health and Contraception

Day 7: Medicine Counselling, Living Healthy, Transient Ischemic Attack, Discharge 

Discussion and Follow up

Day 8: Breaking Bad News, Palliative Therapy, Abuse, Medical Errors and Angry Patients

Day 9: Ethics, End of Life Discussions, Patients Refusing Treatment, Culturally 

Competent Communications and Unhappy with Hospital Management

Day 10:Medicine Clinical Examinations

Day 11:Manikins part 1

Day 12:Manikins part 2

Day 13:Orthopaedic and Surgical Examinations

Day 14:Diabetic Patients, Inter-personal skills, Pre-op Assessment, Miscellaneous, Telephone Conversation

Day 15:Examinations, Talking manikins, Assessment of Acutely Ill Patients and Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)

Day 16: More Ethics and breaking bad News scenarios

