(United States Medical Licesing Examination)
USMLE美國醫師執照資格考試(United States Medical Licesing Examination)對申請人提供了一個共同的評價體系,USMLE的考試結果將授予醫療發照單位,核發初階醫療執照的申請。USMLE的考試設計是在不同的醫學教育和培訓點上。在美國和其領土,個人醫療發照當局(“國家醫療委員會”)有其不同的司法管轄區授予行醫執照。各醫療發照當局設置自己的規則和規例並需要通過考試,證明核審的資格。
2.還 提供從事醫學教育工作者和他們的機構,發牌當局的成員,執業醫師在這些評估的設
3.確保醫生是在公平和公正的最高標準下通過專業的執照測試。 繼續全面制定和更準確及
NBME國家醫學考試委員會(National Board of Medical Examiners)
FSMB聯邦國家醫療委員會(Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States)
ECFMG國外醫學畢業生教育委員會(Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates)。
一、For Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 2 CS 你必須要符合下列資格:
1. 將正式註冊醫學專業學校的學生,或美國、加拿大醫學院的醫學博士學位畢業生,並經醫療教
育聯絡委員會LCME (Liaison Committee on Medical Education)認可的。
2. 將正式註冊醫學專業學校的學生,或研究生以及骨科醫學博士學位畢業生,並經美國認可骨科
協會AOA (American Osteopathic Association)認可的。
3. 在美國、加拿大以外的醫學學校,經正式註冊的國際醫學生或畢業生,且申請資格標準已符合
ECFMG國外醫學畢業生教育委員會(Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) 的
4. 國際學生必須提出一份畢業學校在 IMED 國際醫學教育名錄(International Medical Education
5. 畢業證書+成績單final medical diploma + final medical school transcript。
6. 在學生--在學證明+成績單+(一封用學校信簽,由校長簽署之證明文件)。
7. 一般美國醫學生在第2學年末,會報考第一階段。台灣7年制醫學生大4可報考,5年制學士
後醫大3可報考。* ECFMG建議考生報考Step 2 CK, and Step 2 CS之前,最好先完成你的核心臨
8. 一般美國醫學生在4年級的時候會報第二階段考試。
二、For Step 3 你必須要符合下列資格:
3. Meet the requirements for taking Step 3 imposed by the individual licensing authority for which
you are applying to sit Step 3. 附合你申請參加第3步的發牌當局(州醫療局)所規定的的要求。
4. Step 3的資格考期間不能選擇。(從收到申請批准後開始90天的考試期間)。
5. Onlin Processing Time申請被批准的工作天 需要3~5天。
6. Paper Processing Time申請被批准約1-3週。
1/1/2017起,擁有Fifth Pathway Certificates報考Step 3的人將不被接受。
(Special Announcement Regarding:Fifth Pathway Certificates and Step 3 The USMLE program will
cease acceptance of Fifth Pathway certificates for the purpose of meeting Step 3 eligibility
requirements, effective January 1, 2017. Individuals who hold valid Fifth Pathway certificates, and
are otherwise eligible, may use their Fifth Pathway certificates to meet Step 3 eligibility
rquirements, and may apply for Step 3, through December 31, 2016.)
所有step考試內容、描述、範例、練習資料、STEP2 CS考試中使用的術語,在USMLE website
的網站上,進入USMLE Bulletin of Information選 Practice Materials (練習資料)有提供測試格式
一. Step1基礎醫學綜合考試
1. 考試時間約8小時/共分10門課程,有322多選擇測試項目,成績至少在182分以上(相當
2. 考試範圍:解剖學anatomy,行為科學behavioral sciences,生物化學biochemistry,
微生物學microbiology,病理學 pathology,藥劑學pharmacology,生理學physiology,
二. Step2 CK ( Clinical Knowledge) 臨床醫學綜合考試
1. 考試時間約9小時/共分6門課程,有346多選擇測試項目,成績至少在182分以上相當於
2. 考試範圍:內科Internal medicine,婦產科obstetrics and gynecology,小兒科pediatrics,
預防醫學preventive medicine,心理學psychiatry,外科surgery。
三. Step2 CS (Clinical Skills) 臨床綜合實習技能考試
1. 考試時間約8小時,含12個模擬實習考題,其間會有2段各30分鐘和15分鐘的休息時間。
2. 考試範圍有三組獨立臨床考題,每個人都必須通過單一的三個基本組成部分
a綜合臨床突發狀況Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE)
b溝通和人際關係技巧Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS)
c英語口語能力Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
3. 範例:病歷表記載上之每個字段的描述字數有限制
a病史History - 950 characters
b體格檢查Physical Examination - 500 characters
c特徵簡介Differential Diagnosis - 80 characters for each diagnosis
d診斷結果Diagnostic Workup - 80 characters for each workup recommendation
* Step1和Step2此部分考試總成績至少必須有75分,相當於全部考題的60%~7??0%。
* 每場考試規定的休息時間為45分鐘包括午餐,由考生自行安排,但只能在Sections之間進行。
* 如果考生在每一部分中能夠提前答完,剩下的時間也可作為休息時間。
* 60天內不可重考同一Step,一年不可報考同一Step三次,通過的Step不可重新報考,及格
* Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 2 CS are offered regularly throughout the year一年四季都可報考。
* When you apply for Step 1 or Step 2 CK, you must select a three-month period . 一個考試項目的考試日期,
* When you are registered for Step 2 CS, you are assigned a 12-month eligibility period that begins on the date that
the processing of your application is completed.被分配的期間為一年,從報名成功日算起。
Information about testing periods and corresponding reporting periods is available at
四. Step3 臨床能力綜合考試
1. 試程共需兩天,有480題選擇題及9個臨床模擬個案,每天完成測試的時間為8小時。測試考
和法規等。(在2012年2月中旬開始,多選題數量從 480項減少到474項。模擬個案的數量
2. 第1天
每組完成的時間為45分鐘,所以分配的總時間為 3小時。
第二天,還包括一個約 15分鐘 Primum®教程和指示。
* 步驟3天的測試的時間和結構可能改變,恕不另行通知。
* 考生必須於考前再注意網站消息。
* 考試成績將透過電子郵件通知你,考試評估結果只有“Pass”或“Fail”並且會於測驗後6~8週
Step3考試是行醫執照的臨床能力考試,加上在美國境內醫院,兩年的臨床住院醫師訓練(PGY-1 and PGY-2),合格後便可以申請行醫執照。醫學生須通過專科委員會組織的考試,才可以獲得專科委員會證書(Specialty Board Certification),這個證書不是永久適用的。每7年~9年,專科委員會要對證書持有者進行再次審核,以決定該證書是否仍然有效。
考試結果和執照資格申請,都是由個別國家州醫療局(i.e., "state boards")決定。行醫執照之申請須與各司法管轄區聯繫Directory of State Medical and Osteopathic Boards以獲得完整的執照的訊息。
In the United States and its territories a license to practice medicine is a privilege granted only by the
individual licensing authorities (i.e., "state boards") of the various jurisdictions. All decisions regarding acceptance of USMLE results and/or licensure eligibility are made by the individual state boards. Eligibility to sit for the Step 3 for a specific state board does not automatically signify your eligibility for medical licensure in that jurisdiction.
一. Step1測驗費用780美金(含境外考場費)。
二. Step2 CK測驗費用780美金(含境外考場費)。
三. Step2 CS測驗費用是1,355美金。
四. Step3測驗費用是745美元。愛荷華$ 795 美元、南達科他州的895美元、佛蒙特州$ 780美元。
五. 例如Step1、Step2 CK 考試時間確定後,如需於資格期間內延期 pre/USD65。其餘規定請參考
目前Step 1、Step 2 CK、Step 2 CS並沒有一定的報名順序。但有報考順序Step 1、Step 2 CK 再Step 2 CS……你可以在網路上任選其中一個報名。
參考網址:http://www.ecfmg.org/2011ib/ibexam.html#eligibility 通過這三個考試就可以擁有ECFMG證書,就可以再挑戰step 3。
(United States Medical Licesing Examination)
USMLE美國醫師執照資格考試(United States Medical Licesing Examination)對申請人提供了一個共同的評價體系,USMLE的考試結果將授予醫療發照單位,核發初階醫療執照的申請。USMLE的考試設計是在不同的醫學教育和培訓點上。在美國和其領土,個人醫療發照當局(“國家醫療委員會”)有其不同的司法管轄區授予行醫執照。各醫療發照當局設置自己的規則和規例並需要通過考試,證明核審的資格。
2.還 提供從事醫學教育工作者和他們的機構,發牌當局的成員,執業醫師在這些評估的設
3.確保醫生是在公平和公正的最高標準下通過專業的執照測試。 繼續全面制定和更準確及
NBME國家醫學考試委員會(National Board of Medical Examiners)
FSMB聯邦國家醫療委員會(Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States)
ECFMG國外醫學畢業生教育委員會(Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates)。
一、For Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 2 CS 你必須要符合下列資格:
1. 將正式註冊醫學專業學校的學生,或美國、加拿大醫學院的醫學博士學位畢業生,並經醫療教
育聯絡委員會LCME (Liaison Committee on Medical Education)認可的。
2. 將正式註冊醫學專業學校的學生,或研究生以及骨科醫學博士學位畢業生,並經美國認可骨科
協會AOA (American Osteopathic Association)認可的。
3. 在美國、加拿大以外的醫學學校,經正式註冊的國際醫學生或畢業生,且申請資格標準已符合
ECFMG國外醫學畢業生教育委員會(Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) 的
4. 國際學生必須提出一份畢業學校在 IMED 國際醫學教育名錄(International Medical Education
5. 畢業證書+成績單final medical diploma + final medical school transcript。
6. 在學生--在學證明+成績單+(一封用學校信簽,由校長簽署之證明文件)。
7. 一般美國醫學生在第2學年末,會報考第一階段。台灣7年制醫學生大4可報考,5年制學士
後醫大3可報考。* ECFMG建議考生報考Step 2 CK, and Step 2 CS之前,最好先完成你的核心臨
8. 一般美國醫學生在4年級的時候會報第二階段考試。
二、For Step 3 你必須要符合下列資格:
- 已經取得醫學院畢業醫學博士MD或骨科醫學博士學位D.O.學位或同等學歷。
3. Meet the requirements for taking Step 3 imposed by the individual licensing authority for which
you are applying to sit Step 3. 附合你申請參加第3步的發牌當局(州醫療局)所規定的的要求。
4. Step 3的資格考期間不能選擇。(從收到申請批准後開始90天的考試期間)。
5. Onlin Processing Time申請被批准的工作天 需要3~5天。
6. Paper Processing Time申請被批准約1-3週。
1/1/2017起,擁有Fifth Pathway Certificates報考Step 3的人將不被接受。
(Special Announcement Regarding:Fifth Pathway Certificates and Step 3 The USMLE program will
cease acceptance of Fifth Pathway certificates for the purpose of meeting Step 3 eligibility
requirements, effective January 1, 2017. Individuals who hold valid Fifth Pathway certificates, and
are otherwise eligible, may use their Fifth Pathway certificates to meet Step 3 eligibility
rquirements, and may apply for Step 3, through December 31, 2016.)
所有step考試內容、描述、範例、練習資料、STEP2 CS考試中使用的術語,在USMLE website
的網站上,進入USMLE Bulletin of Information選 Practice Materials (練習資料)有提供測試格式
一. Step1基礎醫學綜合考試
1. 考試時間約8小時/共分10門課程,有322多選擇測試項目,成績至少在182分以上(相當
2. 考試範圍:解剖學anatomy,行為科學behavioral sciences,生物化學biochemistry,
微生物學microbiology,病理學 pathology,藥劑學pharmacology,生理學physiology,
二. Step2 CK ( Clinical Knowledge) 臨床醫學綜合考試
1. 考試時間約9小時/共分6門課程,有346多選擇測試項目,成績至少在182分以上相當於
2. 考試範圍:內科Internal medicine,婦產科obstetrics and gynecology,小兒科pediatrics,
預防醫學preventive medicine,心理學psychiatry,外科surgery。
三. Step2 CS (Clinical Skills) 臨床綜合實習技能考試
1. 考試時間約8小時,含12個模擬實習考題,其間會有2段各30分鐘和15分鐘的休息時間。
2. 考試範圍有三組獨立臨床考題,每個人都必須通過單一的三個基本組成部分
a綜合臨床突發狀況Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE)
b溝通和人際關係技巧Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS)
c英語口語能力Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
3. 範例:病歷表記載上之每個字段的描述字數有限制
a病史History - 950 characters
b體格檢查Physical Examination - 500 characters
c特徵簡介Differential Diagnosis - 80 characters for each diagnosis
d診斷結果Diagnostic Workup - 80 characters for each workup recommendation
* Step1和Step2此部分考試總成績至少必須有75分,相當於全部考題的60%~7??0%。
* 每場考試規定的休息時間為45分鐘包括午餐,由考生自行安排,但只能在Sections之間進行。
* 如果考生在每一部分中能夠提前答完,剩下的時間也可作為休息時間。
* 60天內不可重考同一Step,一年不可報考同一Step三次,通過的Step不可重新報考,及格
* Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 2 CS are offered regularly throughout the year一年四季都可報考。
* When you apply for Step 1 or Step 2 CK, you must select a three-month period . 一個考試項目的考試日期,
* When you are registered for Step 2 CS, you are assigned a 12-month eligibility period that begins on the date that
the processing of your application is completed.被分配的期間為一年,從報名成功日算起。
Information about testing periods and corresponding reporting periods is available at
四. Step3 臨床能力綜合考試
1. 試程共需兩天,有480題選擇題及9個臨床模擬個案,每天完成測試的時間為8小時。測試考
和法規等。(在2012年2月中旬開始,多選題數量從 480項減少到474項。模擬個案的數量
2. 第1天
每組完成的時間為45分鐘,所以分配的總時間為 3小時。
第二天,還包括一個約 15分鐘 Primum®教程和指示。
* 步驟3天的測試的時間和結構可能改變,恕不另行通知。
* 考生必須於考前再注意網站消息。
* 考試成績將透過電子郵件通知你,考試評估結果只有“Pass”或“Fail”並且會於測驗後6~8週
Step3考試是行醫執照的臨床能力考試,加上在美國境內醫院,兩年的臨床住院醫師訓練(PGY-1 and PGY-2),合格後便可以申請行醫執照。醫學生須通過專科委員會組織的考試,才可以獲得專科委員會證書(Specialty Board Certification),這個證書不是永久適用的。每7年~9年,專科委員會要對證書持有者進行再次審核,以決定該證書是否仍然有效。
考試結果和執照資格申請,都是由個別國家州醫療局(i.e., "state boards")決定。行醫執照之申請須與各司法管轄區聯繫Directory of State Medical and Osteopathic Boards以獲得完整的執照的訊息。
In the United States and its territories a license to practice medicine is a privilege granted only by the
individual licensing authorities (i.e., "state boards") of the various jurisdictions. All decisions regarding acceptance of USMLE results and/or licensure eligibility are made by the individual state boards. Eligibility to sit for the Step 3 for a specific state board does not automatically signify your eligibility for medical licensure in that jurisdiction.
一. Step1測驗費用780美金(含境外考場費)。
二. Step2 CK測驗費用780美金(含境外考場費)。
三. Step2 CS測驗費用是1,355美金。
四. Step3測驗費用是745美元。愛荷華$ 795 美元、南達科他州的895美元、佛蒙特州$ 780美元。
五. 例如Step1、Step2 CK 考試時間確定後,如需於資格期間內延期 pre/USD65。其餘規定請參考
目前Step 1、Step 2 CK、Step 2 CS並沒有一定的報名順序。但有報考順序Step 1、Step 2 CK 再Step 2 CS……你可以在網路上任選其中一個報名。
參考網址:http://www.ecfmg.org/2011ib/ibexam.html#eligibility 通過這三個考試就可以擁有ECFMG證書,就可以再挑戰step 3。
Examination: Type of Applicant: Registration Entity to Contact:
Step 1 Students and graduates of medical NBME
or school programs in the United States Examinee Support Services
Step 2 and Canada accredited by the Liaison 3750 Market Street
(CK or CS) Committee on Medical Education Philadelphia, PA 104-3190
or students and graduates of medical Website:
schools in the United States http://www.nbme.org
accredited by the American Osteopathic Telephone: (215) 590-9700Step 1 Students and graduates of medical NBME
or school programs in the United States Examinee Support Services
Step 2 and Canada accredited by the Liaison 3750 Market Street
(CK or CS) Committee on Medical Education Philadelphia, PA 104-3190
or students and graduates of medical Website:
schools in the United States http://www.nbme.org
Association Fax: (215) 590-9457
E-mail: webmail@nbme.org
Step 1 Students and graduates of medical ECFMG
or schools outside the United States 3624 Market Street
Step 2 and Canada Philadelphia, PA 19104-2685
(CK or CS) Website: http://www.ecfmg.org
Telephone: (215) 386-5900
Fax: (215) 386-9196
____________________________ E-mail: info@ecfmg.org
Step 3 All medical school graduates who have FSMB
passed Step 1 and Step 2 (CK and CS) Assessment Services
400 Fuller Wiser Road, Suite 300
Euless, TX 76039-3856
Website: http://www.fsmb.org
Telephone: (817) 868-4041
Fax: (817) 868-4098
E-mail: usmle@fsmb.org
Or Medical licensing authority
Step1及Step2 CK+CS 可在世界各地之考試中心測試(Prometric Technology Center—PTC) ,考試中心的位置你可由www.prometric.com取得。
1.Step 1+Step 2 CK於全球都設有考點,目前台灣2個考場:台北、高雄。
2. Step 2 CS在美國有5個考試中心Clinical Skills Evaluation Collaboration (CSEC) Center Addresses:
Atlanta亞特蘭大 Chicago芝加哥 Houston休士頓
Two Crown Center First Midwest Bank Building, 6th Floor Amegy Bank Building, 7th Floor
1745 Phoenix Boulevard 8501 West Higgins Road, Suite 600 400 North Sam Houston Parkway
Suite 500, 5th Floor Chicago, IL 60631 Suite 700
Atlanta, GA 30349 Houston, TX 77060
Los Angeles洛杉磯 Philadelphia費城
Pacific Corporate Towers Science Center
100 North Sepulveda Boulevard, 13th Floor 3624 Market Street, 3rd Floor
El Segundo, CA 90245 Philadelphia, PA 19104
or 3700 Market Street, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
3.美國Step 3目前該項考試只能在以下的地點考:
CSA : 美國醫師執照考試第二階段之(Clinical Skill Assessment)醫師臨床診斷能力的測驗(診斷技能考試)。1997年7月1日起,USMLE STEP2增加了臨床診斷能力的測驗,其測驗目的主要是測驗臨床診斷能力與英文會話,考生需在現場以英語幫病人正確診斷。CSA考試時間為五小時,整年度實施,所有考生都必須在美國考。考CSA以前必須先通過STEP1、STEP2及TOEFL之後才可參加CSA考試。Last updated: September 15, 2011 ……..目前Step 2 CS已經取代了前ECFMG CSA。
玖、Programs Overview有關國際醫學院學生,在ECFMG資格認證申請之項目說明
ECFMG offers a variety of programs for international physicians and other members of the international medical education and regulatory communities. An overview of each program is available below. For detailed information, visit the program’s section of this website.
ECFMG Certification
ECFMG’s program of certification assesses whether international medical graduates are ready to enter U.S. graduate medical education programs that are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) 畢業後醫學教育. ECFMG Certification is a requirement for international medical graduates who wish to enter such programs. ECFMG Certification assures directors of accredited residency and fellowship programs, and the people of the United States, that international medical graduates have met minimum standards of eligibility.
Application for ECFMG Certification:
International medical students/graduates must submit an Application for ECFMG Certification before they can apply to ECFMG for examination. The Application for ECFMG Certification consists of questions that require applicants to confirm their identity, contact information, and graduation from or enrollment in a medical school that is listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED) of the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). In addition, the “Graduation Years” in IMED for your medical school must be listed as “Current” at the time you apply and at the time you take the exam As part of the application, international medical students/graduates must also confirm their understanding of the purpose of ECFMG Certification and consent to arelease of legal claims. See Application for ECFMG Certification.
Certification Verification Service (CVS)
ECFMG’s Certification Verification Service provides prompt, primary-source verification of an international medical graduate’s ECFMG certification status. ECFMG’s CVS provides this verification to entities in the United States that rely on ECFMG Certification to evaluate the qualifications of international physicians. These entities include credentialing agencies; accredited residency programs; state medical licensing boards; and other organizations, such as hospitals and HMOs. (Health Maintenance Organization 健康維護組織 )
ERAS Support Services at ECFMG
The Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS®), developed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), allows web-based application to first- and second-year (PGY-1 and PGY-2) residency positions in accredited U.S. programs of graduate medical education. ECFMG has been designated by AAMC to assist international medical students and graduates with the ERAS process. In this role, ECFMG issues ERAS Tokens, which allow international medical students/graduates to complete their residency applications on the AAMC website. ECFMG also collects and transmits supporting documents and transmits reports of ECFMG certification status and USMLE transcripts.
Exchange Visitor Sponsorship Program (J-1 visa)
ECFMG is authorized by the U.S. Department of State to sponsor foreign national physicians for the J-1 Exchange Visitor visa for the purpose of participating in U.S. programs of graduate medical education or training. ECFMG is responsible for ensuring that Exchange Visitors and their host institutions meet the federal requirements for participation in the Exchange Visitor Program. ECFMG’s Exchange Visitor Sponsorship Program provides instruction and guidance to teaching hospitals, medical specialty organizations, universities, and international physicians on the credential and immigration requirements for J-1 visa sponsorship.
ECFMG International Credentials Services (EICS)
EICS assists international medical registration authorities in obtaining primary-source verification of medical education and registration credentials of physicians applying for licensure whose medical education or training was completed outside the authorities’ jurisdiction. The physician credentials verified by EICS include medical school diplomas, medical school transcripts, certificates of postgraduate medical training, and certificates of medical registration or licensure.
Acculturation Program
ECFMG’s Acculturation Program offers a variety of resources for international medical students and graduates who plan to enter U.S. graduate medical education programs and for the directors and staff of these programs. The program’s resources assist IMGs with the transition to living and working in the United States and with orienting IMGs to the U.S. health care system. All resources are available on this website.
提供美國醫師資格考試USMLE(全國醫學檢驗局)和PLAS執照登記評估Post-Licensure Assessment System,協助州局醫師執照許可的核發。
一、醫師要先在 UA申請系統上作一個申請
國家醫師執照(UA)UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR PHYSICIAN STATE LICENSURE是一個統一基於Web應用程序標準化的申請系統,它簡化了醫生的執照申請過程。醫師只要在 UA網上申請一次(一次之申請服務費USD50),他們所申請的執照在另一州是被接受或在其職業生涯的執照更新部分。讓醫生建立一個驗證憑據,當醫生被國家醫療局,要求醫院醫療保健轉發或任何其他需要。
UA Contacts
Uniform License Application (UA)
Federation of State Medical Boards
400 Fuller Wiser Road, Suite 300
Euless, TX 76039
Phone: (800) 793-7939
Email: ua@fsmb.org
The core credentials information collected and stored by FCVS includes: 驗證憑據庫的資料包含
1. Physician and Physician Assistant identity醫師和助理醫師身份
2. Medical education records (including Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
Certification) 醫學教育的記錄(包括外國醫學畢業生認證教育委員會)
3. Graduate medical education records畢業後醫學教育記錄
4. Examination history考試的經歷
5.Disciplinary history紀律的歷史
三、執照申請細節可參閱 http://www.fsmb.org/fcvs.html
Physicians Application and Forms Participating Boards FCVS and Step 3 Licensure Application (UA) Physician Assistants Application and Forms Participating Boards FCVS Fees, Tips, and Requirements FCVS Fees Tips for Applying State Specific Licensure Requirements |
State Medical Boards Medical Education and Postgraduate Institutions Verification Forms Licensure Application (UA) Pickup FCVS Packet Pickup (iPickup) FCVS Application |
Participating Boards for Physicians Participating Boards for Physician Assistants FCVS Credentialing Assistance |