Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
- 其前身是由聖約翰大學醫學院、震旦大學醫學院、同德醫學院合併而成的上海第二醫學院,1985年更名為上海第二醫科大學。
Its predecessor was Saint John University Medical College, Aurora University School of medicine and Tongde Medical, which was renamed Shanghai Second Medical University in 1985. - 醫學院包含23個學院(系),13所附屬醫院。
It includes 23 department and 13 affiliated hospitals. - 臨床醫學全國排名第一、口腔醫學排名第二、基礎醫學排名第三、護理學排名第五、公共衛生與預防醫學排名第十。
Among China, clinical medicine ranks first, dentistry second, basic medicine third, nursing fifth, and public health and preventive medicine ranks 10.
- 高中畢業,年齡在25周歲以下者;
- 通過漢語水準考試(初等C級以上)或新漢語水準考試(4級以上)。
- 授課語言:漢語
- 申請日期:每年的2月初---5月底
- High school graduates, under 25 years old
- Pass Chinese Language Examination (Level C) or new HSK 4.
- Teaching Language: Chinese
- Application Period: February-May.
- 《入學申請表》
- 《外國人體格檢查記錄》。
- 護照
- 高中畢業證書
- 高中成績單
- 先收取以上材料,審核合格後,再收取:
* 健康證明(國際旅行人員健康檢查記錄和血液化驗單)
* 經濟擔保證明(銀行儲蓄證明)
* HSK等級證書
* 報名費(410元人民幣)
- Download the Application Form.
- Physical Examination Record for Foreigners
- Photocopy of the passport
- Photocopy of high school transcript
- Photocopy of high school diploma
- Qualified Applicants should also provide:
a. Photocopy of a physical examination record for foreigners and blood test report
b. financial support
c. HSK certificate
d. Registration fee: 410 RMB
All the materials should be sent by air mail.
- 學 費:29,000元/年
- 報名費:410元
- 保險費:800元
- 住宿費:41元/天 或 80元/天
- Tuition fee: RMB 29,000/年
- Application fee: RMB 410
- Insurance fee: RMB 800
- Accommodation: RMB 41/day or 80/ day